The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation Funding Guidelines set out the types of activities considered for support. The Foundation’s Board of Directors use these Guidelines in assessing whether to accept an application for funding.
Please note that new applicants may not be successful if they are seeking funding for similar causes, activities, health conditions or community services already being addressed by an existing Foundation grant recipient.
Funding Guidelines
Western Australia first and foremost
The Foundation generally does not provide funds for causes outside of Western Australia. The health and well-being of the WA community is foremost in donation decisions.
The health and well-being of children
Stan Perron’s charitable giving was always focused heavily on children and younger people – especially in relation to health, medical research and those younger members of the community living with disability. This extends to the funding of activities that contribute to the education of children and young people, especially the most vulnerable.
This aligns with the Foundation’s vision that every child deserves to live the healthiest and happiest life possible and to reach their potential.
Please note that Community Grants exclude applications relating to research. Applicants seeking funding for child health research will be assessed under specific funding criteria for this category and should apply here.
Culturally enriching
The Foundation provides funds for iconic cultural and arts organisations in Western Australia, recognising the importance these kinds of activities play in the enrichment of our community.
Business ethics
Stan Perron’s personal values included an uncompromising commitment to ethical behaviour in business. In the words of Mr Perron himself: “I have found that if you are fair and stick to your word, others will want to do business with you.” Accordingly, the Foundation’s giving guidelines include consideration of activities that foster ethical behaviour in the business community including initiatives to promote ethics through education.
Solutions that focus on the origins of a problem
Much of Stan Perron’s early business success can be attributed to his inventive nature and his willingness to look for ways to use innovative thinking to overcome obstacles and challenges. This is reflected in the Foundation’s preference to fund programs that look to solve the cause of a problem rather than treating the symptoms.
Please note that organisations seeking funding for research related activity should apply through the Health Research category here.
Awarding organisations and individuals who give something back
One of Stan Perron’s greatest passions was his life-long involvement with the Rotary movement and its ideal of “service above self”. Mr Perron showed his commitment to Rotary by his “hands on” involvement – classically illustrated by his work for many years as a volunteer at his local Club’s Sunday morning “Swap Meet”. It is for this reason that the Foundation will always consider applications for funding that encourage people, especially the young, to engage in community service.
Big or small
The Foundation encourages applications regardless of the level of funds sought. Stan Perron never equated the size of a gift to its significance, recognising that a smaller amount can mean as much for a particular person or organisation in need as a larger donation for someone else.
Please note: All Grants will need to satisfy an extensive process of due diligence.
Measurability and accountability matters
All successful applicants will need to show evidence that funds provided are wisely and effectively used.
Partnership funding
As a rule, especially for major Grants, the Foundation has a preference for applicants prepared to consider funding on a partnership basis. This means that the Foundation is not being relied upon as the sole funder of a project or activity but as a co-contributor. The other sources of funding may come from either private or Government sources.
Helping those who help themselves
The Foundation will not always fund the full amount requested. This could involve the Foundation taking the role as the “cornerstone” donor that enables a charity to attract other funding support. This extends to a practice of providing funds at the time of the project or program commencing rather than as an upfront payment.
Key exclusions
The Foundation will generally NOT fund organisations related to religious belief or political activity nor programs or activities that are clearly a core responsibility of Government.
New applicants may not be successful if they are seeking funding for similar causes, activities, health conditions or community services already being addressed by an existing Foundation Grant recipient.
Please note: While these Guidelines form the basis of a rigorous framework for the assessment of applications, the Trustees retain discretion in all decisions about the granting of Foundation funds.
Deadline for applications
The Directors meet twice each year to consider applications. The May 2025 Community Round will close at 5:00pm 7 April 2025. Applications are reviewed at the time they are submitted, with outcomes confirmed in a timely manner.
Please note: Unfortunately, our online application platform SmartyGrants does not store incomplete applications beyond the closing deadline. Therefore, incomplete applications will not be received by the Foundation and will not be assessed by the Board.
All grant applicants, without exception, must complete an online application form through this website and submit prior to the closing date to be considered.
To preview the Community Grants application form before you begin, please click on the button below:
*Please be aware that when you click on the APPLY NOW button you will be leaving the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation website and redirected to the application platform: SmartyGrants.