Dr Gail Alvares (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Developing novel solutions for the autism mental healthcare crisis
Dr Erin Kelty (The University of Western Australia)
Safety of mental health pharmacotherapies in pregnancy: To continue, cease or switch?
Professor Mark Boyes (Curtin University)
Supporting the mental needs of children with language difficulties
Dr Adam Edwards (Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science)
Reducing the burden of neonatal encephalopathy and neuroimaging
Associate Professor Debra Palmer (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Preventing food allergies in Western Australian children
Dr Pamela Laird (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Innovative Solutions and Partnerships for Indigenous Respiratory (and other health) Excellence (INSPIRE)
Dr Vanessa Fear (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Transforming tomorrow. Early genetic diagnosis to improve the life trajectory for WA children
Dr Penelope Strauss (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Advancing the care of trans young people to improve their mental health and wellbeing
Dr Alison McDonnell (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Paving the way for effective immunotherapy in children with Neuroblastoma
Dr Charlie McLeod (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
ADAPTIVAX - an adaptive platform for vaccine trials in Western Australia to generate evidence to optimise immunisation practice and policy
Professor Nick Golding (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Forecasting and Analytics to protect West Australian Kids from Future Epidemics
Dr Emma Glasson (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Siblings of children with developmental disabilities: Improving mental health and wellbeing through better visibility
Dr Kate Dorozenko (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Siblings of children with developmental disabilities: Improving mental health and wellbeing through better visibility
Associate Professor Matthew Payne (The University of Western Australia)
Prevention of preterm birth using vaginal microbial biomarkers and new antimicrobial treatments
Prof Mark Nicol (The University of Western Australia)
Developing respiratory probiotics to prevent pneumonia and asthma in children
Dr Lexy Staniland (Curtin University)
Transforming Mental Health Services and Supports for Neurodivergent Youth in Western Australia
Dr Sarah Hellewell (Curtin University / Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science)
Illuminating the Impact: Investigating the Contribution and Consequences of Brain Inflammation and White Matter Damage to Child and Adolescent Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms
Dr Timothy Barnett (The University of Western Australia)
Targeting the host–pathogen interface to reduce the burden of Strep A-associated disease
Prof Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg (The University of Western Australia)
Optimising perioperative outcomes for Western Australian children- advancing knowledge and translating research findings into clinical practice improvements
Dr Bree Foley (The University of Western Australia)
Harnessing the power of natural killer cells to treat cancer
Mr Matthew De Livre (The University of Western Australia: Rural Clinical School of WA)
Assessing the implementation of a Co-designed health promotion program targeted at Type 2 Diabetes as an Aboriginal community empowerment model across the life course
SENSitivity: Sensing Movement Trends in Early Childhood for Better Health Outcomes
Chief Investigator — Professor Hayley Christian (The Kids Research Institute Australia on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Paediatric audiological booth with equipment
Chief Investigator — Dr Robyn Choi (The University of Western Australia)
Establishment of WA Human Milk Research Biorepository
Chief Investigator — Professor Donna Geddes (The University of Western Australia)
Improving practice and care co-ordination for women/families facing adversity during the perinatal period
Chief Investigator — Professor Rhonda Marriott (Murdoch University)
Understanding the Long-term Physiological and Psychological Impacts of Paediatric Burns Injury for Improved, Individualised Patient Care
Chief Investigator — Professor Fiona Wood (Perth Children's Hospital Foundation)
Streamlining the development of antisense therapeutics for Western Australian children with rare genetic disorders
Chief Investigator — Dr May Aung-Htut (Murdoch University)
Research See Funding
Chief Investigator — Professor Tim Jones (Child and Health Adolescent Services)
Research Collaboration Awards (Child Health)
Chief Investigator — Dr Amelia Scaffidi (The Raine Medical Research Foundation/The University of Western Australia)
Towards precision treatment of mental illness in youth: providing new therapeutic options and harnessing individual differences to improve and personalise treatment of depression.
Chief Investigator — A/Prof Jennifer Rodger (Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science)
The Heavy Metal Tooth Fairy Project
Chief Investigator — Dr Christine Jefferies-Stokes (UWA: Rural Clinical School of WA)
WA Early-Career Child Health Researcher Fellowships Program
Chief Investigator — Mr Graham Dowland (BrightSpark Foundation)
Dr Zoe Bradfield (Curtin University)
Improving the Health of WA Children through better birth-days
Dr Gina Trapp (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Feeding the Future: Improving children’s nutritional health and wellbeing through innovative food environment interventions
Dr Janessa Pickering (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
New ways to prevent Rheumatic Heart Disease in children
A/Prof Francis Mitrou (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Preventing deep and persistent disadvantage, reducing mental health problems in young people, and improving the health, education, community and justice outcomes for Aboriginal children and families in Western Australia
Dr Thomas losifidis (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Enhancing airway repair to prevent respiratory deterioration in children with asthma
Dr Jonatan Leffler (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia)
Improving clinical care by identifying how sex hormones change the immune system
Dr Julie Hilbert (Murdoch University)
Harnessing machine learning & proteomics to develop sepsis point-of-care diagnostics for children
Prof Lisa Wood (University of Notre Dame Australia — Institute for Health Research)
Born into homelessness: reducing the impact of homelessness across the first 1,000 days of life
Dr Megan Bell (University of Western Australia)
Understanding the health and development of children with incarcerated mothers: Building an evidence base for improved outcomes
Prof Bronwyn Myers (Curtin University)
Help while our children wait: Scaling up interventions to support young people waiting for specialist mental health services
Prof David Mackey (University of Western Australia)
Preventing myopia and glaucoma in children at high genetic risk, leveraging the Western Australian Origins Project and the Raine Study
Local Communities of Practice for Healthy Environments and Lives
Chief Investigator — A/Prof Brad Farrant (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia). Investigators — Ms Mara West (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia), Dr Noel Nannup (Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together, University of Western Australia), A/Prof Caitlin Wyrwoll (The University of Western Australia), Dr Naomi Godden (Centre for People, Place & Plant, Edith Cowan University), Miss Lynette Dimer (Telethon Kids Institute), Dr Emma-Leigh Synnott (Sustainable Development Unit, WA Department of Health), Mrs Jaime Yallup Farrant (Climate Justice Union), A/Prof Alexander Larcombe (Telethon Kids Institute), Prof Peter Le Souef (School of Medicine, University of Western Australia).
Diagnosis and treatment pathways for metabolic diseases in Western Australian children
Chief Investigator — Prof Aleksandra Filipovska (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia). Investigators — Prof Oliver Rackham & Dr Tara Richman (Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research).
Consumer and Community Involvement in Health Research — advanced training modules
Chief Investigator — Ms Belinda Frank (Telethon Kids Institute). Investigator — Ms Anne McKenzie (Telethon Kids Institute).
Enhancing the ORIGINS platform: from early life to early childhood
Chief Investigator — Prof Desiree Silva (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia). Investigators — Prof Susan Prescott, Prof Andrew Whitehouse, Prof Catherine Elliott, A/Prof Deborah Palmer, Dr Lisa Gibson, Dr Nina d’Vaz, Dr Sarah Whalan & Ms Jacqueline Davis (Telethon Kids Institute), Dr Ravisha Srinivasjois (Joondalup Health Campus).
The IDEA (Intellectual Disability Exploring Answers) Database
Chief Investigator — Dr Emma Glasson (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia). Investigators — Dr Helen Leonard & Ms Jenny Bourke (Telethon Kids Institute).
Compute Platform for Perioperative Analytics
Chief Investigator — Prof Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg (University of Western Australia, Telethon Kids Institute, Perth Children’s Hospital). Investigators — A/Prof David Sommerfield (University of Western Australia, Telethon Kids Institute, Perth Children’s Hospital), Prof Fiona Wood (University of Western Australia, Telethon Kids Institute, Burn Service of Western Australia, Perth Children's Hospital, Fiona Stanley Hospital), Dr Vance Locke (Western Kids Health, Edith Cowan University), Dr Ramzan Nazim Khan & Prof Lee Yong Lim (University of Western Australia), Ms Daisy Evans (University of Western Australia, Telethon Kids Institute), Dr Jennifer Walsh (University of Western Australia, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital), Dr Mon Ohn & A/Prof Shyan Vijayasekaran (University of Western Australia, Perth Children’s Hospital).
Djaalinj Waakinj: Partnering with community to improve ear and hearing health
Chief Investigator: A/Prof Chris Brennan-Jones (Curtin University)
Maawit Maladjin* Clinical Trial (*Maawit = young people, babies. Maladjin = growing, raising, developing)
Chief Investigator: Mr Dan McAullay (Edith Cowan University)
Building translational capacity in Western Australia: Establishing the tools needed to develop treatments for Australian children with muscle disease
Chief Investigator: Dr Rhonda Taylor (University of Western Australia, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research)
Establishing a novel therapeutics pipeline to treat antibiotic resistant infections in children
Chief Investigator — A/Prof Anthony Kicic (Telethon Kids Institute, Curtin University). Investigators — Prof Stephen Stick (Telethon Kids Institute), Dr Anna Tai (University of Western Australia), A/Prof Alexander Larcombe (Telethon Kids Institute), Prof Hak-Kim Chan (University of Sydney), Prof Barbara Chang (University of Western Australia), Patricia Agudelo-Roero & Yuliya Karpievitch (Telethon Kids Institute).
The STAMP (Surveillance-Transmission-Attitudes-Modelling and Policy) RSV Program
Chief Investigator — A/Prof Hannah Moore (Telethon Kids Institute, Curtin University). Investigators — Prof Christopher Blyth (Telethon Kids Institute, Curtin University), Dr Samantha Carlson, Ms Fiona Giannini & Dr Minda Sarna (Telethon Kids Institute), Dr David Foley (PathWest Laboratory Medicine), Ms Catherine Hughes (Immunisation Foundation of Australia), Prof Peter Richmond (The University of Western Australia, Child and Adolescent Health Service), Dr Avram Levy (PathWest Laboratory Medicine), A/Prof Ewan Cameron (Telethon Kids Institute, Curtin University).
FOOTPRINTS: Follow-On Outreach - Psychosocial Support for Acutely Bereaved Families in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
Chief Investigator — Dr Simon Erickson (Child and Adolescent Health Service). Investigators — Mrs Arielle Jolly, Dr Nick Williams, Mrs Jenipher Chumbes Flores, Mrs Kelly Higgins, Mrs Leisa Wilson, Ms Jacqueline Reid, Dr Kylie Davies & Ms Deborah Atkinson (Child and Adolescent Health Service), A/Prof Fenella Gill (Child and Adolescent Health Service, Curtin University).
Dr Okhee Yoo (University of Western Australia)
Improving medical care for children through pharmacometrics and innovative medicinal products
Dr Caitlin Wyrwoll (University of Western Australia)
Drinking water quality in Western Australia: an unacknowledged risk factor for pregnancy complications
Dr Jason Waithman (University of Western Australia)
Harnessing the immune system to improve outcomes for children and adolescents with cancer
A/Prof Ewan Cameron (Curtin University)
Designing equitable and effective, child-focused COVID-19 policies with a virtual WA
A/Prof Jenny Downs (Telethon Kids Institute)
A knowledge-to-practice roadmap for improving quality of life in children with disability
Dr Yael Perry (Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia)
Digital interventions to improve the mental health of West Australian LGBTQA+ young people
A/Prof Shannon Simpson (Curtin University, Telethon Kids Institute)
Arresting and reversing lung disease for the children of WA who were born too soon
Dr Thomas Drake-Brockman (Child and Adolescent Health Service)
Better Understanding and Novel Technology for Child and Adolescent Pain
A/Prof Fenella Gill (Curtin University)
Safer hospital care for children
Dr Carol Orr (University of Western Australia)
Understanding the impact exposure to family and domestic violence has on children’s health and well-being
An innovative integrated diabetes data management platform for patients and families, researchers and clinicians
Chief Investigator — Prof Tim Jones (Telethon Kids Institute on behalf of the Centre for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia). Investigators — Prof Elizabeth Davis (Telethon Kids Institute), Dr Rad Aniba (Telethon Kids Institute), Prof Jeffrey Braithwaite (Macquarie University, NSW), A/Prof Yvonne Zurynski (Macquarie University, NSW), Dr Ann Carrigan (Macquarie University, NSW), Dr Craig (Perth Children’s Hospital), Taplin Ms Helen Clapin (Telethon Kids Institute), Ms Leanne Cromb (Telethon Kids Institute), Prof Sophie Zoungas (Monash University).
The Aboriginal Leadership and Training Platform for the Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases
Chief Investigator — Prof Chris Blyth (Telethon Kids Institute). Investigators — Ms Valerie Swift, Ms Cheryl Bridge (Telethon Kids Institute).
Can Pentoxifylline improve long-term outcomes in preterm infants with late-onset sepsis or necrotizing enterocolitis? Completing the international PROTECT trial
Chief Investigator — Prof Tobias Strunk (The Child and Adolescent Health Service, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia). Investigators — Prof William Tarnow-Mordi (University of Sydney), Prof Peter Anderson (Monash University), Prof Sanjay Patole (The Child and Adolescent Health Service/King Edward Memorial Hospital), Prof Dorota Doherty (University of Western Australia), Prof John Simes (University of Sydney), Prof Anthony Keech (University of Sydney), Prof Terrie Inder (Harvard Medical School), Prof Peter Davis (The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne), Prof Eleanor Molloy (Trinity College Dublin).
The use of Silver Fluoride and Teledentistry to manage and prevent childhood dental decay among Aboriginal children in remote communities
Chief Investigator — Dr Peter Arrow (Dental Health Services, Western Australia). Investigators — Dr Lorraine Anderson Kimberley (Aboriginal Medical Services), Prof Dawn Bessarab (University of Western Australia), Prof David Atkinson (University of Western Australia), Prof Lisa Jamieson (University of Adelaide), Dr Sanjeewa Kularatna (Queensland University of Technology), Prof Hien Ngo (University of Western Australia), Dr Soniya Nanda (Health Department of Western Australia), Dr Jilen Patel (University of Western Australia), Ms Utsana Tonmukayakul (Deakin University).
Neuroprotection and neuroimaging: reducing the burden of Neonatal Encephalopathy
Chief Investigator — Dr Adam Edwards (Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science). Investigators — Prof Bruno Meloni (Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science), Prof Jane Pillow (University of Western Australia), Dr Liz Dalimore (Argenica Therapeutics), Dr Tim Rosenow (University of Western Australia), A/Prof Kasper Kyng (Aarhus University Hospital), Prof Nevill Knuckey (Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science).
Women and Infants Research Foundation — Prof Matthew Kemp
Launch pad for high-impact perinatal research — The Research Acceleration Awards Scheme
Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation — Carrick Robertson
PCHF Stan Perron Charitable Foundation Early Career Research (ECR) Award
Raine Medical Research Foundation, University of Western Australia — Dr Amanda Cleaver
Research Collaboration Awards (Child Health)
Spinnaker Foundation — Spinnaker Health Research Foundation — Ms Dana Henderson
Annual research grant
Prof Nick Gottardo (Perth Children's Hospital Foundation)
Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation Stan Perron Chair in Paediatric Haematology and Oncology
Dr Livia Carvalho (Lions Eye Institute)
Disease mechanisms and novel treatment approaches for childhood inherited retinal diseases
Dr Lea‐Ann Kirkham (Telethon Kids Institute)
Novel therapies to prevent ear infections in WA children
Dr Hannah Moore (Telethon Kids Institute/Curtin University)
Data driven approaches to vaccine implementation and evaluation for respiratory infections in Western Australian children
Prof Tobias Strunk (Telethon Kids Institute)
Reducing the burden of neonatal sepsis
Dr Timo Lassmann (Telethon Kids Institute)
Artificial intelligence to discover treatments and accelerate diagnosis for children in Western Australia
Dr Lisa Stinson (University of Western Australia)
Understanding the early‐life microbiome as a foundation for life‐long health
Prof Rhonda Marriott (Murdoch University)
Wongi Mi Bardup: Strengthening Aboriginal Family Futures Through Translational Research
Prof Britta von Ungern‐Sternberg (Child and Adolescent Health Services)
Safer anaesthesia for Western Australian children ‐ optimising preoperative outcomes by advancing and translating knowledge into clinical practice
Imaging the living brain
A/Prof Jennifer Rodger (Perron Institute)
Respiratory Function Testing Platform
A/Prof Shannon Simpson (Telethon Kids Institute/Curtin University)
The Penicillin for Kids (P4K) Assay Platform: improving the delivery, formulation and dosing of penicillins for childhood infections
A/Prof Laurens Manning (Telethon Kids Institute)
Developing and safeguarding the Raine Study: Western Australia’s largest longitudinal health study, from birth to adulthood
Prof Romola Bucks (University of Western Australia)
Western Australian COVID‐19 Immunity Collaborative (WACIC) Biobank: a platform for investigating immune responses to SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines in children and adolescents
Dr Michael O'Sullivan (PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA)
Stan and Jean Perron Awards
Telethon Kids Institute
Lyfe Languages
Chief Investigator - Prof Gareth Baynam (Western Australian Register of Developmental Anomalies), Investigators - Yarlalu Thomas (University of Western Australia), Shahmir Rind (Curtin University), A/ Prof Kristen Jean Nowak (Department of Health), Tudor Groza (Pryzm Health Pty Ltd), Michelle Ward (Genetic Services WA), Stephanie Broley (Genetic Services WA), Mr Dylan Gration (Western Australian Register of Developmental Anomalies)
Western Australia National Imaging Facility Node
Chief Investigator - Prof Timothy Colmer (University of Western Australia), Investigators - Prof Gary Geelhoed (WA Health Translation Network), Prof Francis Roslyn (Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital), Prof Paul Parizel (Royal Perth Hospital), Dr Nick Gottardo (Telethon Kids Institute), Dr Michael Bynevelt, Dr Jane Valentine, Prof Catherine Elliott (Perth Children's Hospital)
Helping new mums to be better breast feeders — before their babies are even born
Chief Investigator — A/Prof Therese O'Sullivan (Edith Cowan University), Investigators - Anita Moorhead (Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne), Colin Binns (Curtin University), Desiree Silva (University of Western Australia), Jill Demirici (University of Pittsburgh), Matt Cooper (Telethon Kids Institute), Roslyn Giglia (Foodbank/Edith Cowan University)
The Thoughtful Schools Project; Implementation and Evaluation of a Trauma-Informed Practice
Program in Western Australian Schools Chief Investigator - Dr Karen Martin (University of Western Australia), Investigators - Rebecca Walker, Madeleine Dobson (Curtin University), Helen Egeberg (Edith Cowan University), Helen Milroy (Telethon Kids Institute), Emily Burger (Monash University), Stephan Lund, Maddie Ford (University of Western Australia)
Precision thyroid medicine for the characterisation and treatment of autism spectrum disorder
Chief Investigator — Prof John Walsh (University of Western Australia), Investigators - Prof Andrew Whitehouse, A/Prof Scott Wilson (University of Western Australia), Ms Suzanne Brown (North Metropolitan Health Service)
Improving practice when child protection intervenes with pregnant mothers and newborns: codesign and evaluation of evidence informed guidelines
Chief Investigator — Dr Melissa O'Donnell (University of Western Australia), Investigators - Prof Rhonda Marriott (Murdoch University), Dr Miriam Maclean, Mr Fernando Lima (Telethon Kids Institute)
Preempt: Developing a WA-led, multi-national program to reduce the profound burden of pre-term birth
Chief Investigator — Prof Matthew Kemp (Women and Infants Research Foundation), Investigators - Prof John Newnham (Women and Infants Research Foundation), Prof Alan Jobe (Cincinnati Children's Hospital, USA), Prof Masatoshi Saito (Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Tohoku University Hospital, Japan)
Paediatric Cancer Immunotherapy Program
Chief Investigator — Prof Terrance Johns (Telethon Kids Institute), Investigators - A/Prof Timo Lassmann, Dr Bree Foley, Dr Jason Waithman, Dr Sebastien Malinge, Dr Raelene Endersby, Dr Joost Lesterhuis (Telethon Kids Institute), A/Prof Rishi Kotecha, A/Prof Nick Gottardo (Perth Children's Hospital, Telethon Kids Institute)
Perron Paediatric Retinopathy Initiative
Chief Investigator — Prof Dao-Yi Yu, Investigator — Dr Chandra Balaratnasingam (Lions Eye Institute)
UWA Young Lives Matter Foundation: Reducing self-harm and suicidal behaviours in young people in Western Australia
Chief Investigator — A/Prof David Lawrence, Investigators - Prof Stephen Houghton, A/Prof Elaine Chapman, Prof Andrew Page, Prof Michael Small, Dr Barbara Sheil, Prof Dawn Freshwater, Prof Helen Milroy, Prof Tanya Fitzgerald (University of Western Australia), Prof Michael Sawyer (University of Adelaide)
Implementing practical health promotion programs for chronic disease prevention in remote Aboriginal communities
Chief Investigator — A/Prof Julia Marley (University of Western Australia), Investigators - Prof Lynette HendersonYates (Derby Aboriginal Health Service), Ms Anna Dwyer (The University of Notre Dame), Ms Erica Spry (Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Ltd), Mr Matthew Lelievre (North West Remote Health), Dr Kimberley Seear, Prof David Atkinson (University of Western Australia)
"Move to Improve" — an Australian first program to deliver exercise as medicine for children with chronic disease
Chief Investigator — Prof Elizabeth Davis (Child and Adolescent Health Service), Investigators — Prof Fiona Wood, Prof Jane Valentine, Dr Thomas Walwyn, Ms Kim Laird (Child and Adolescent Health Service), Prof Catherine Elliott (Curtin University), Ms Joanna White (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), Dr Treya Long (Fiona Wood Foundation), Dr Louise Naylor (University of Western Australia), Dr Amy Finlay-Jones (Telethon Kids Institute)
For stories about how the Foundation is helping those in need, visit: