Consistent with Mr Perron’s passion to improve the health and well-being of Western Australian children, the Foundation invites applications from researchers whose work aligns with the Health Research Funding Guidelines outlined below. These Guidelines set out the types of activities considered for support and are used by the Directors of the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation Board in assessing whether to accept an application for funding.
Western Australia first and foremost
The Foundation generally does not provide funds for causes outside of Western Australia. The health and well-being of the Western Australian community is foremost in funding decisions.
The main applicant and lead institution must be based in Western Australia, with the main applicant employed by a Western Australian Health Service, University or affiliated Medical Research Institution at the time and for the duration of the proposal.
Research proposals must include community and consumer engagement, aim to solve problems and deliver tangible outcomes that will benefit children, adolescents or young people. Applications must be accompanied by institutional and collaborator letters of support.
The health and well-being of children
The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation supports research involving child health, inclusive of antenatal, adolescent and young adult health, only. Applications detailing innovative and transformative ideas may originate from basic, clinical, population health or health services research.
This aligns with the Foundation’s vision that every child deserves to live the healthiest and happiest life possible and to reach their potential.
The Foundation prioritises research that has impact, tackles the causes of health problems and builds research capacity within Western Australia. The Foundation has identified three specific areas of health research at this time for which it will consider funding:
People and Platforms supporting outstanding research. People and Platforms include applications for clinical and scientific personnel from any health-related discipline to conduct research.
Also included is infrastructure needed to activate an important activity in any scientific or health related discipline. Examples of applications that may qualify for consideration in this category include those requiring consumer or community involvement, data solutions, equipment, facilities, biobanks and research training.
Major research Programs that are collaborative and outcome-driven for up to five years. Programs that involve partnerships and funding contributions from other bodies, which involve significant innovation and/or build capacity within Western Australia, are especially encouraged. Collaborators may be from any state or country with the research driven from Western Australia. Single research projects are not eligible for funding in this category.
Partnerships funding encouraging collaborations between researchers and institutions to improve health outcomes for children in Western Australia. These may be in the form of single research projects or a program. Funding will be contingent on partnership support and co-funding with the lead organisation based in Western Australia.
Solutions that focus on the origins of a problem
Much of Stan Perron’s early business success can be attributed to his inventive nature and his willingness to look for ways to use innovative thinking to overcome obstacles and challenges. This is reflected in the Foundation’s preference to fund programs that look to solve the cause of a problem rather than treating the symptoms.
Awarding organisations and individuals who give something back
One of Stan Perron’s greatest passions was his life-long involvement with the Rotary movement and its ideal of “service above self”. Mr Perron showed his commitment to Rotary by his “hands on” involvement – classically illustrated by his work for many years as a volunteer at his local Club’s Sunday morning “Swap Meet”. It is for this reason that the Foundation will always consider applications for funding that encourage people, especially the young, to engage in community service.
Big or small
The Foundation encourages applications regardless of the level of funds sought. Stan Perron never equated the size of a gift to its significance, recognising that a smaller amount can mean as much for a particular person or organisation in need as a larger donation for someone else.
Please note: All grants will need to satisfy an extensive process of due diligence.
Measurability and accountability matters
All successful applicants will need to show evidence that funds provided are wisely and effectively used.
Partnership funding
The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation rarely awards the full amount of any proposal. As a rule, especially for major gifts, the Foundation has a preference for applicants who are prepared to consider funding on a partnership basis. This means that the Foundation is not being relied upon as the sole funder of a project or activity but as a co-contributor.
Please ensure that you have alternative providers of funding, and that your application clearly considers any possible grant from the Foundation in this context. The other sources of funding may come from either private or Government sources.
Helping those who help themselves
The Foundation will not always fund the full amount requested. This could involve the Foundation taking the role as the “cornerstone” donor that enables a charity to attract other funding support.
Key exclusions
The Foundation will generally NOT fund organisations related to religious belief or political activity nor programs or activities that are clearly a core responsibility of Government.
New applicants may not be successful if they are seeking funding for similar causes, activities, health conditions or community services already being addressed by an existing Foundation grant recipient. For a list of the Health Research Grant recipients, click here.
Please note: While these Guidelines form the basis of a rigorous framework for the assessment of applications, the Foundation Board retains discretion in all decisions about the Granting of Foundation funds.
Organisations whose funding requests do not align with this category of funding should instead make their application for a Community Grant.
Important information about the Application process
People & Platforms 2025 Round will be opening at 12pm on 3rd April 2025 and closing at 12pm on 29th May 2025.
Program and Partnership applications are open. The Foundation will accept applications for Programs and Partnerships at any time with applicants notified of the outcome of their application within nine months.
The Foundation’s Health Research Grant application processes are specific for each type of funding and may involve expressions of interest (EOI), full applications and/or interviews. All applications must be accompanied by institutional and collaborator letters of support.
An invitation to submit a full application following an EOI, does not mean that your application will be funded.
An advisory panel of health and medical research experts will assist the Foundation Board in assessing the merits of each application.
The Foundation reserves the right to change funding priorities in the future in alignment with the core Funding Guidelines provided by our Founder.
The decisions of the Foundation Board of Directors are final.
All applications for funding, without exception, must be made via this website through the Foundation’s online application platform: SmartyGrants.
If you have any queries please contact us at: info@perronfoundation.org.au
Applications for Health Research Grants - Programs and Partnerships are accepted year-round with applicants notified of the outcome of their application within nine months of submitting an application.
All grant applications, without exception, must be completed via the online application form on this website to be considered for funding.
To preview the Health Research Grants - Program and Partnership Application Form prior to beginning your online application, please click on the button below:
All applicants applying for Health Research Grants will be required to complete a CV.
Before beginning your application, please complete the CV template form by following the instructions below:
Click on the button below to download a CV template
Open and complete the form (without exceeding two pages)
“Save as” a Word document titled with the Applicant’s name
Attach the completed CV to your online application along with other supporting documentation.
Programs and Partnership Research Grant applicants who are successful in their funding requests, will be asked to enter a Grant Agreement with the Foundation. A preview of the Agreement can be viewed below:
*Please be aware that when you click on the “APPLY NOW” button you will be redirected to SmartyGrants.

people and platforms Grants - INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS
People & Platforms 2025 Round will be opening at 12pm on 3rd April 2025 and closing at 12pm on 29th May 2025.
This funding round aims to build research capacity in Western Australia by supporting People and Platforms.
People applications - The Foundation welcomes applications to fund partial or full research salaries over multiple years. The round seeks to fund current or future researchers from PhD to senior positions. Institutes and researchers can apply. Researchers should apply for their own salaries only.
Platform applications are for consumer and community engagement, equipment, data solutions, facilities, biobanks and research training proposals.
The People and Platform funding round involves submitting an expression of interest (EOI) application through our online platform accessible via this website only.
The EOI template and CV templates for People applications OR Platforms applications are available for preview below.
Following the review of applications, those shortlisted for further consideration will be contacted to provide additional information and potentially to arrange a time for an interview.
Those who are unsuccessful will be notified by email at the completion of the assessment process.
All applications must also fulfil the Foundation’s general Health Research Funding Guidelines outlined above.
The EOI allows for 1200 words in the “Tell us about your proposal” section. Please ensure that you include details on:
What will be achieved with this funding, including outcomes and how they can translate to improved health.
How your collaborators will be involved.
How this proposal or position aligns with the strategic goals of your organisation.
What this proposal will bring to the organisation(s) and research in WA more broadly.
How is the consumer/community involved?
What would happen without this funding (i.e. what would be the missed opportunity?)
Additional documents required:
CV - outlining your track record in publications, impact and leadership as outlined in the provided templates. CV templates for People or Platforms applications are available to download below. For new positions where no person is yet assigned, a position description can be attached instead.
It should be noted that all applications must demonstrate alignment to their institute’s strategic goals and priorities and be accompanied by an organisational letter of endorsement.
Consumer/community engagement is a priority of the Foundation. Letters of support from community/consumer groups are required.
Collaborative applications are particularly encouraged. Letters of support from collaborators are required.
Proposals with secured or planned co-funding are preferred. Letters from co-funders must be provided where applicable.
To preview the Health Research Grants expressions of interest form for People and Platform applications, please click on the button below:
All applicants applying for Health Research Grants will be required to complete a CV.
Before beginning an application, please download the CV template applicable to your proposal and have it ready to attach to your application along with other supporting documentation.
All Health Research Grant applicants who are successful in their funding requests, will be asked to enter a Grant Agreement with the Foundation. A preview of the Agreement can be viewed below: